Sunday September 17th, 2017Thursday January 11th, 2018Novelty SeriesNovelty SeriesNoddle txitile SeriesのグラフィックをモチーフとしたTシャツや雑貨が中心のコレクション。This is a series of T-shirts and other items styled with the graphic elements from the Noodle Textile collection. KARAOKE CLOTHING graphic T / puppy-longNon error POLOMade in China graphic TTONGTONG graphic TKuchibiru ribbon graphic TKARAOKE CLOTHING graphic T / puppyKARAOKE CLOTHING graphic T / puppy-longKARAOKE CLOTHING graphic T / girl-longKuchibiru ribbon tote bag 37cm×36cmTONGTONG tote bag 37cm×36cmMade in Chine tote bag 40cm×48cm